Friday, January 24, 2020

Name and Chance of Success Essay examples -- Black and White Names, So

According to all the birth certificates from California dating from 1961 to 2001 DeShawn, DeAndre, Marquis, Tyrone, Imani, Ebony, Shanice, and Aaliyah are the â€Å"blackest† names a person could have (Levitt and Dubner 169-170). The whitest names are Jake, Connor, Tanner, Wyatt, Molly, Amy, Katie, and Madeline. This starkly demonstrates that black and white parents name their children differently (Levitt and Dubner 168-169). Additionally more black boys have names that are unique in society than white boys do (Fryer and Levitt 776). These cultural variations raise questions that stem from why and what does it mean? Will a name change the outcome of an individual’s life? Do names lead to different success rates in job acceptance, Income level, or personal accomplishment? If so, is the name really the cause of such outcomes or is it perhaps only a proxy for variables such as race or socioeconomic status? Evidence from audit studies, statewide birth certificate data, an d African American naming trends stemming from the civil rights movement support a correlation between name and chance of success. Correlation does not infer causation, however, so there may be more at play. Name is an indicator of socioeconomic status and that status is what will have an effect on chance of success. Audit studies show the correlation between name and chance of success. They test how names affect success rates in job acceptance. These types studies consist of sending two identical rà ©sumà ©s to prospective employers except one rà ©sumà © contains a white sounding name and the other contains a black or ethnic sounding name. The ratio of the white sounding applicants being called back for an interview versus the ethnic or black sounding applicant in then record... ...the 44th president of our United States. To these men, and many others in the world, the meaning of their name, or what their name connotates about their history or race, did not stop them from succeeding in society. The people who are born into lower class neighborhood and carry a distinctively black name are only less likely to succeed, however, it does not mean that they won’t. Just as a person born into a wealthy neighborhood is more likely to succeed but isn’t insured of it. Names, although a proxy for socioeconomic status, will not be a deciding factor in a person’s life. Of course it can be easier for a person to succeed who come from a wealthy educated family, and of course it can be harder for a person to succeed who comes from an uneducated poor family, but it is those factors, not a name, that will affect the chances of one’s success in today’s society.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

AP European History

However, the Soviet union established a scalded unionism regime that did not adhere to the Ideologies In which communism was oral signally created, which was to serve the masses. This form of communism failed in countries such as P land, Czechoslovakia. And Hungary. The original intent of communism was meant to have a classless society. However, the e soviet communist parties did not actually achieve that. As Molotov Dismissal wrote In The New Class, â€Å"The exclusive, if unwritten, law that only party members can become policeman, officers, diplomats, and only they can exercise actual authority, creates a special privileged group of bureaucrat TTS. The unofficial class of bureaucrats defied the true meaning of communism. Communists rulers cream Ted an illusion that was named communism, but In its basis, was not communism whatsoever. Soviet communists used their privileges to create a class that pushed the everyday cit Zen further down and limited the progress an individual can ma ke. The everyday citizen was force deed to live a life where they wake up, work, go home, eat, and sleep. The citizens were stripped down t o their basic necessities that were sometimes even rejected.Croatian columnist, Slovenia Dreadful , wrote how, Every mother in Bulgaria can point to where communism failed, from the failure of t he planned economy. To the lack of apartments, child care facilities, clothes, disposable diapers, or toilet paper. † The communist did not provide all the necessities for people to live comfortably. Still, kept suppressing the lower class, while the bureaucrats lived comfortably. Communism m was never meant to have a society in which an individual is held back from their necessities. Yet , The soviet communists repressed many necessities and civil rights which included freedom of s beech and public expression.Vocal Have, president of Czechoslovakia, spoke in his New Year's Day Address of 199 how, â€Å"Our country is not flourishing. The great cr eative and spiritual potential of our nation is not being applied meaningfully. † Have perfectly understood that communism withheld a lot of their creativity by not allowing people to freely express themselves. He even mentioned how, â€Å"The state, which calls itself a state of workers, is humiliating and exploiting them instead. † Communist worked pee pole extremely hard for a low wage â€Å"producing things for there is no demand while we are in short o f things we need. †Soviet communists took advantage of the power they had over the citizens and used t hat power to enlarge the gap between leaders of the communist party and the people being ruled According to a Croatian columnist, Slovenia Dramatic, â€Å"the banality of everyday life is where it [communism] really failed, rather than on the level of ideology. † The communist party did not provide enough services for the people which caused the people be opposed to communism. Without the support of th e people, communism was bound to fail. People are what makes the sees once of government. Without people, there would be no government.The Soviet government did not make life or the everyday citizen to feel as though they were being heard or included into all the e decisions that were being made by the government every day. Without a classless society, honest rulers, or support from the ruled, communism in t he Soviet Union set itself up for failure. The citizens of the eastern European socialist states ha d no right to go through life under communist rule by the Soviets. Communism did not improve the e economy, or unify the states. Communism actually did the opposite; it impoverished the countries and s operated the states. AP European History However, the Soviet union established a scalded unionism regime that did not adhere to the Ideologies In which communism was oral signally created, which was to serve the masses. This form of communism failed in countries such as P land, Czechoslovakia. And Hungary. The original intent of communism was meant to have a classless society. However, the e soviet communist parties did not actually achieve that. As Molotov Dismissal wrote In The New Class, â€Å"The exclusive, if unwritten, law that only party members can become policeman, officers, diplomats, and only they can exercise actual authority, creates a special privileged group of bureaucrat TTS. The unofficial class of bureaucrats defied the true meaning of communism. Communists rulers cream Ted an illusion that was named communism, but In its basis, was not communism whatsoever. Soviet communists used their privileges to create a class that pushed the everyday cit Zen further down and limited the progress an individual can ma ke. The everyday citizen was force deed to live a life where they wake up, work, go home, eat, and sleep. The citizens were stripped down t o their basic necessities that were sometimes even rejected.Croatian columnist, Slovenia Dreadful , wrote how, Every mother in Bulgaria can point to where communism failed, from the failure of t he planned economy. To the lack of apartments, child care facilities, clothes, disposable diapers, or toilet paper. † The communist did not provide all the necessities for people to live comfortably. Still, kept suppressing the lower class, while the bureaucrats lived comfortably. Communism m was never meant to have a society in which an individual is held back from their necessities. Yet , The soviet communists repressed many necessities and civil rights which included freedom of s beech and public expression.Vocal Have, president of Czechoslovakia, spoke in his New Year's Day Address of 199 how, â€Å"Our country is not flourishing. The great cr eative and spiritual potential of our nation is not being applied meaningfully. † Have perfectly understood that communism withheld a lot of their creativity by not allowing people to freely express themselves. He even mentioned how, â€Å"The state, which calls itself a state of workers, is humiliating and exploiting them instead. † Communist worked pee pole extremely hard for a low wage â€Å"producing things for there is no demand while we are in short o f things we need. †Soviet communists took advantage of the power they had over the citizens and used t hat power to enlarge the gap between leaders of the communist party and the people being ruled According to a Croatian columnist, Slovenia Dramatic, â€Å"the banality of everyday life is where it [communism] really failed, rather than on the level of ideology. † The communist party did not provide enough services for the people which caused the people be opposed to communism. Without the support of th e people, communism was bound to fail. People are what makes the sees once of government. Without people, there would be no government.The Soviet government did not make life or the everyday citizen to feel as though they were being heard or included into all the e decisions that were being made by the government every day. Without a classless society, honest rulers, or support from the ruled, communism in t he Soviet Union set itself up for failure. The citizens of the eastern European socialist states ha d no right to go through life under communist rule by the Soviets. Communism did not improve the e economy, or unify the states. Communism actually did the opposite; it impoverished the countries and s operated the states.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Legal System And Ethics - 2299 Words

The Legal System and Ethics Mid-Term Exam Andrian Lord Intro What is a world without laws? Would that be the same as asking what is an apple without its color? Or perhaps the simple question of why does one tie his or her shoes the way they do? Even better, why is it illegal to walk nude amongst peers in the open? Maybe because the law says so. But what is law. Is it this natural thing or is it man made? Do we follow them on our own accord or do so because the law says so? All of these questions are rooted in one’s ability to effectively distinguish and interpret positive law and natural law. Before one can answer any of those questions we must go back in time before the development of positive and natural law in order to interpret its meaning and show how intellectual thought of the past, and even in today’s time was mirrored after these laws. Origin/Development The Classicalist approach marks the earliest stage for the debate about the development of natural an positive law. For starters classicalism takes natural and positive law to a new intellectual level through the use of two fundamental theories, Teleology and Intellectualism. Through Teleology, early philosophers asserts that human activity and interaction are inherently purposeful, or have purposeful end that exceeds the extent of reality to a place of Eudaimonia . Intellectualism assumes that human actions are a result of rules that transcended the original state of man’s mind into this new state of mindShow MoreRelatedEthics in United States Legal System1189 Words   |  5 PagesEthics in United States Legal System Introduction Laws in the United States are made at federal and state levels. According to the United States constitution, the constitution gives Congress the power to enact statues on various issues, and if any power is not given to the Congress then it is reserved to the state. 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